Vinaigrette and why you need to stop buying it

This video is much simpler. I needed an easy, hands on way to show that oil and water don’t mix without some help. We have all seen the classic bottle of Wishbone Italian that separates. But dressings that separate have gone out of vogue. Even many vinaigrette have emulsifiers added to keep them from separating so we don’t have to go through the devastating blow of shaking a salad dressing bottle. 

But let's talk about salad dressing for a minute. WHY on earth does that industry exist in the way that it does. I have yet to have a bottle of dressing that is purchased that tastes anywhere close to homemade, and they take 5 minutes to make. Additionally, store bought dressings have all sorts of fun things added for no reason like sugar and corn syrup. Mostly because Americans are so used to sweet things that it gets sneaked in to fuel our addiction. There are many studies being done that confirm that sugar is addictive, and based on personal experience, I believe it. Ever had that late night craving for something sweet when you are not even hungry? 

One key element of this video is looking at natural emulsifiers. This allows liquids that are water based, like lemon juice, vinegar, and milk mix and stay mixed, with oil based liquids, like… oil. Emulsifiers are used all the time in food production and there are many that we have to choose from. They hide on labels in ingredients like lecithin, mono and diglycerides, carrageenan, guar gum, among others. Emulsifiers are wonderful things and make many foods possible. They are not, however, necessary in everything. In this video, we cover some natural temporary emulsifiers. The examples we use in the video are egg, mustard, and honey. Shallots are also an option, but to be honest, I didn’t have any handy and in a pandemic, going to the grocery store takes an act of congress. I don’t even go into a grocery store right now. This is not, however, a new revelation. When you have to shop for school, home, and a side hustle, ordering online and picking up at the store is the only way to go. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have time to watch Downton Abbey and Gilmore Girls for the 80th time, and this is necessary for my mental health.

All that being said, make your own salad dressing. It tastes much better and is healthier. I haven’t purchased salad dressing in years. It’s expensive for what ingredients it has in it, and frankly, I can make much better! And so can you! 

Follow the guidelines for your own below, but change things up as you want. 

Vinaigrette Framework recipe

  • 3 parts acid

    • Options?

      • Lemon juice

      • Lime juice

      • Orange juice

      • balsamic vinegar

      • Apple cider vinegar

      • Or any other citrus juice or vinegar that you want to try

  • 1 part oil

    • Options

      • Olive oil

      • Vegetable oil- if ya boring,

      • Avocado oil

      • Sesame oil

      • Flavored oils

      • Any fat that pours

  • Emulsifier (not necessary, but some add flavor, so why not?) (add about a tablespoon of these per 1/4 cup oil)

    • Options?

      • Honey

      • Mustard (stone ground, dijon, or even French’s in a pinch)

      • Both honey and mustard. (This is what I use)

      • Egg  (this is weird, don’t do it)

      • Shallots, if you happen to have one, which I don’t…

  • Seasonings

I love We stop there a couple of times a year on the way to the beach and I buy a lot of my spices. Their Greek and Italian seasonings are amazing and they have a salad seasoning that I use for dressing all the time! Check them out. I haven’t had a blend or a individual spice from there that isn’t soooo good.  The spice bouquet links are not affiliate links by the way. I share them because they are excellent, a small business, and local to my state.

The following links are items that will help you in the creation of this recipe and ones like it. A small percentage of each sale helps me with maintaining my blog and YouTube Channel. Thank you for your support!

This is some of the filming equipment that I use for my YouTube Videos.

Directions to make the vinaigrette are in the video below. Check it out and STOP BUYING DRESSING!

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