Here are some helpful links!
I’ve been teaching for 16 years…
and at some point in that 16 years, I became a veteran teachers. I still feel like I just started most days, and then I look around at how things have changed. When I graduated from college in 2008, I was going to be a dance teacher. I had started my college career with a long range plan, so I started with Culinary at my local community college while completing transfer classes. I transferred to a slightly less local college which also happens to have one of the best Dance programs in the country. Sometime along the way in undergrad, I added a Religious studies degree. I graduated from college, like I said earlier, in 2008. Many of you will remember that the economy tanked right around there. I had just gotten engaged and needed a job, but dance jobs were being cut left and right, so I asked my community college instructor about teaching Culinary. She sent an email, I got an email about a job at a school in the county I grew up in sent in my resume and the rest is history. 16 years later, I find myself as Department Chair for CTE, National Board Certified, an FCCLA adviser, living in the same community I work in, and loving it. I have become an expert in building courses in Canvas, teaching using technology, and creating content. I began a YouTube channel and blog due to COVID-19 to teach my students at a distance and quickly realized, as I do with anything I make, it’s silly to make it just for me. All teachers were completely reworking the way we teach, so they needed help too. I made videos, wrote questions, did lots of facetime and phone calls with other teachers, and have become a better teacher because of it. I hope I can help you too!